26 Hunters way, Newtown, PA 18940, USA
Tele: 424 355 1318
Please contact us for your medical and technical writing projects
JCT is a contract research organization (CRO) headquartered in Milton, Massachusetts.
We are in the business of improving the world’s health by providing various services to transform scientific discoveries in nonclinical, preclinical, and clinical into new treatments.
Over the last twenty years, we have been helping our customers with various projects. Our team of medical doctors, medical writers, technical writers, biostatisticians, chemists, are biochemists provide the following services:
Development of Clinical Study Protocols, Clinical study reports (CSRs), Investigators′ Brochures (IBs), and patient narratives
Policies, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and Work Instructions (WIs)
Continued Medical Education (CME) programs, slide decks, e-learning modules, patient education material
Promotional literature targeted at healthcare professionals, product monographs, brochures, handouts, Sales force training manuals, Internet content for physicians and patients (consumers)
Journal articles/manuscripts (research articles, case reports, review articles), Abstracts, Posters & presentations for scientific meetings and conferences
Regulatory submission documents – Common Technical Document (CTD) modules such as nonclinical and clinical overviews & summaries, expert reports, safety & efficacy summaries; Aggregate safety reports such as Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs), bridging reports, Periodic Adverse Drug Experience Reports (PADER), Annual safety reports (ASR)s; policy papers etc.